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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

18 August 2006

#50 for Jodie...

Jodie, despite still being crook, racked up her 50th Customs Joggers run with a time of 29:42...her current sub 30:00 streak stands at 6 (not a bad effort considering she's had an injury and been sick in amongst that)...

reasonable turnout today in sunny but windy conditions which made it feel a couple of degrees cooler than the temps otherwise indicated...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 13.5/38%
start time: 12:30pm
total distance: 5.01k
total time: 22:23
avg pace: 4:28
total calories: 374
avg HR: 170
finish temp/humidity: 14.0/33%

1k splits: 4:19, 4:35, 4:33, 4:24, 4:27

my current sub 22:30 streak stands at 6...

a solid run, nothing spectacular...the legs are definitely feeling the work this week...peter clarke & speedygeoff flew past me near the paddle boat hire place, they finish 2nd & 3rd respectively (provisionally)...the other speedy boys took it "easy" today with Scott I, Tony O, Simon C, Gordon Mc etc all finishing in around 23mins...


the weekend ahead:

saturday - easy 50mins + golf + cricket training + drive to sydney
sunday - easy 2hrs + cricket training + drive home


Aki said...

Yay for Jodie! I don't even think I've made 50 yet! Whoa, you guys are consistant!

TD said...

Well done for Jodie. Fifty is a stupendous effort, more so as I am yet to do even one!