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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

21 August 2006

Weekend wrap...

Saturday was pretty full on...

firstly did my easy 50mins as another progression run...

the stats:
start temp/humidity:
start time: 8:32am
total distance: 9.47k
total time: 50:00
avg pace: 5:17
total calories: 709
avg HR: 155
finish temp/humidity:

Time Dist. Pace AvgHR
16:40 2.90 5:45 153
16:40 3.13 5:20 151
16:40 3.44 4:51 161

a little quicker than intended in the first third, spot on in the second and only fractionally slower than intend in the final third...

packed my car with all that i needed for sunday then headed to golf with Suze...my putting was better this week but still trying to get a good allround game together...

straight after golf, Jodie picked me up in my car and we headed to Weston for cricket training (4.30-6.30pm) then from finishing there (late), we headed to Civic where we minded a parking spot near the Canberra Theatre so that Suze would have somewhere close to park as they were going to see "Broad" (Deborah Conway, Mia Dyson, Ella Hooper, Kate Miller-Heidke & Melinda Schneider)...in fact, this was their second consecutive night of "arts & culture" as they had seen "Judith Lucy - I Failed!" at The Playhouse...

by then it was close to 7.30pm and i had a long drive ahead of me, getting to my accommodation in Lane Cove at 10.15pm...

Sunday came and i was up at 6.10am to get ready for my easy 120mins...my run was based on the short options of the Sydney Strider's "Chatswood Chase" STaR with one minor intended change (plus a couple of unintentional ones!)...i parked in Bowen Street behind the Great Northern and was on my way by 6.30am...it was a lovely morning to run, not much traffic to worry about...i had prepared a small laminated map (thanks Suze!) with instructions to refer to but that didn't stop me from (a) missing a turn (i continued up a dirt driveway in Roseville instead of following the road proper) & (b) taking a turn early (Talavera Rd instead of Waterloo Rd in Macquarie Park)...

the run through the Lane Cove NP was great, quite a few cyclists & walkers but only one other runner (going the other way)...a steady climb up from the weir - i was wondering when it was going to end!...

took my life in my hands briefly on Epping Rd as i had to run on the road to cross the river...fortunately there was a gap in the traffic (mind you, i did go a bit faster in that spot)...when the 2hrs was up i had about 1k or so to walk back to my car...picked up a drink & a paper on the way as it was quite warm by then...back in the car & back to the hotel to shower & get ready for the Gordon Come 'n' Try Day...

the stats:
start temp/humidity:
start time: 6.30am
total distance: 21.33k
total time: 2:00:00
avg pace: 5:38
total calories: 1603
avg HR: 150
finish temp/humidity:

spent most of my time just bowling off a couple of steps, providing the odd tip to the batters...the session started just after 10am & ended up finishing just after 12pm...after a bite to eat & drink and a bit of a chat, i ended up leaving around 1.30pm which meant i was back in Canberra by 4.45pm...

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