About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

28 August 2006

3 weeks until the Sydney Half...

this week's running schedule:

Monday - rest
Tuesday - 15min oval sprints (sprint straights/jog bends)
Wednesday - easy 70mins
Thursday - 2x(5min @ 10k pace/1minSR) + 8x(30secHills/JR)
Friday - Customs
Saturday - easy 50mins
Sunday - easy 100mins (? including the Women's & Girls' Jogalong?)

this week's cricket schedule:

Thursday - 2hr session @ mpowerdome
Friday - 1hr "gym" session (includes running)
Sunday - 2hr session @ mpowerdome/Chisholm 2

1 comment:

Ewen said...

Yes, that was an impressive 10k AR.

You could do 3 laps of the Jogalong on Sunday ;)