About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

21 July 2006

New streak now stands at 2...

but only just!

it was quite chilly out there today with a bit of a breeze to contend with on the way back to the finish...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 10.8/65%
start time: 12:30pm
total distance: 5.02k
total time: 22:27
avg pace: 4:28
total calories: 375
avg HR: 172
finish temp/humidity: 11.0/64%

1k splits: 4:16, 4:31, 4:24, 4:33, 4:34

felt really stiff in the first k & my right heel/ankle was bugging me...even briefly (very briefly) thought about stopping but continued on anyway...

Jodie ran her 2nd fastest time (28:39) & outsprinted Aki (21:42) at the finish...she was 6th across the line but 5th in the point-score...

27 runners today with Simon running the fastest with 18:33...

picked up some KFC for lunch before heading to the golf course for some practice...


Bush Marathon Relay update:

at this stage there are 3 teams entered so the worst we can finish is 3rd...LOL...


weekend plans:
saturday - easy 50mins + golf
sunday - easy 90mins + cricket training

am planning to run through Mulligans Flat & Goorooyarroo reserves on Sunday to get a bit more familiar with the area for the Relay...

1 comment:

R2B said...

A bush marathon eh?
Hope you have an enjoyable time.
Think you went out just a little hard in the first km.I know how this comes back to bite you later as i did it in a race yesterday!

Cheers R2B