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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

16 May 2018

BBQ Stakes #97

a fresh ride home last night...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 7.8/70% (apparent temp 7.1)
start time: 5:35pm
total distance: 17.64
total time: 47:04 (including 1:45 stopped time)
avg speed: 22.5kph
total calories: 390
avg HR: 125

didn't walk the boys this morning or ride in!

the rabbit agreed I could start earlier than my official handicap given I was run/walking...I started off 9:45 to her 4:00...

I focused on my posture and did the running bits focusing on cadence using a metronome app set on 180...it was a good distraction...

caught the rabbit when she was talking to Thomo about his knee not long after the halfway mark...I claimed the scalp but apparently it doesn't count unless it's in the last k - the rabbit said I should have read the fine print!

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 13.3/43% (apparent temp 13.1)
start time: 12:19pm
total distance: 6.02
total time: 37:31
avg pace: 6:14
total calories: 481
avg HR: 144
TE: 4.1
recovery HR: 110/45
BPK: 898

splits: 5:55, 6:26, 6:12, 6:52, 5:36, 6:23, 0:07

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