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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

04 December 2017

parkrun #115 & speedygeese long run...

Friday was a short work day for me due to the Departmental Christmas party...did the usual dog walk and walk to work from the yacht club...picked up the FkF results & money...then left work at about 3:45pm...did the shopping then visited mum...

Saturday...with Tuggeranong parkrun cancelled (as was Queanbeyan and Ginninderra) it was off to plan B - Burley Griffin!...Gungahlin was on and they had 75 runners...

wasn't heavy rain during the run but there were plenty of puddles and mini rivers across the path...

start temp/humidity: 18.6/99% (apparent temp same)
start time: 8:03am
total distance: 4.91
total time: 24:07
avg pace: 4:54
total calories: 326
avg HR: 155
TE: 3.5
Recovery HR: 107/58
BPK: 760

splits: 4:54, 4:57, 4:50, 4:56, 4:30

38th out of 82...67.86%...6th female out of 26...1st W45-49 out of 9...

all cricket was called off as expected...I visited mum before lunch and then again at dinner time...she's up and about on crutches now so I help her with her excercises...

yesterday I did my first speedygeese long run since 6 August...Brownie was the organiser and we started/finished at his place with a tour of Tuggeranong hill...I did the official short version with Kerron...

start temp/humidity: 13.2/84% (apparent temp 11.7)
start time: 8:03am
total distance: 13.16
total time: 93:48
avg pace: 7:08
total calories: 909
avg HR: 131
TE: 2.9
Recovery HR: not recorded due to using dwMap for the course

Thomo passed us on his MTB ride and Ewen did a section from the pond back to the gate with us before heading the opposite way to meet up with the longer runners...

visited mum for a couple of hours in the late afternoon - hopefully she'll be out Tuesday or Wednesday...

up early this morning...light drizzle for our dog walk...

I parked near the yacht club and walked to work...with the speedygeese dinner tonight, I might do some sort of interval session at lunch...

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