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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

18 September 2017

speedygeese @ Parliament House...

was quite frosty for this morning's walk…

same routine now of parking at the Yacht Club, catching the bus from Albert Hall and then running back to my car after work as my pre-speedygeese warm up…was quite pleasant and not windy…

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 17.6/25% (apparent temp same)
start time: 5:04pm
total distance: 3.31
total time: 18:44
avg pace: 5:40
total calories: 251
avg HR: 140
TE: 2.8
recovery HR: 94/50

attendees (14): Colin, Dave, Isaac, Jennie, Paul, Peter, Pieta, Rae, Ruth, SG, Thomas, Vanessa, Warrick and me...

warm up: 2.59k (usual lap + jog to start of effort)

loop of ~380m including the short sharp hill; continuous relays in teams of 3: Peter/Colin/Paul, me/Pieta/Dave, Warrick/Isaac/Thomas&Vanessa, Ruth/Rae/Jennie...run hard loop then a recovery loop then standing recovery, repeat!

rough effort times:
1:48, 1:53, 1:59, 2:01, 2:02

warm down: 1.32k (reverse ¾ lap)

total 8.02k in 67:01...starting temp/humidity: 16.1/28% (apparent temp same)...avg HR: 138...TE: 3.5

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