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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

21 June 2017

BBQ Stakes #60...rabbit 6 hunter 2...

was a cool ride home last night, lots of low lying fog which affected visibility in some places...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 5.6/81% (apparent temp 4.0)
start time: 6:03pm
total distance: 17.64
total time: 47:03 (including 0:31 stopped time)
avg speed: 22.5kph
total calories: 388
avg HR: 126

another foggy start to the day this morning, felt colder for the second half of our walk...

the rabbit started the mind games early, sending me a photo of a cute sleepy bunny saying she "was tired today...might catch her"...another text followed not longer after with her handicap time - 4:00...this was 30secs more than last week so I thought I might be a chance if I ran well...

needless to say I didn't spot her until after the finish...she smashed last week's PB by 1:21 to finish 1:29 ahead of me in 45:13 (I was 10secs faster than last week)...unfortunately for her, she finished well under the cut-off in her 10th run and will be rewarded with a shiny new BIGGER handicap next week!...I might get to see her actually running instead of standing around waiting for me to finish!

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 11.2/50% (apparent temp 11.0)
start time: 12:29pm
total distance: 6.04
total time: 29:42
avg pace: 4:55
total calories: 428
avg HR: 155
TE: 3.7
recovery HR: NR
BPK: 762

(Strava*) splits: 4:57, 5:12, 4:53, 5:16, 4:28, 4:44, 0:12

* I was testing the free dwMap app on my watch and it doesn't record my splits, I've upgraded to premium so that won't be an issue moving forward...

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