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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

07 March 2013

Play time...

a quick ride home yesterday afternoon as I had to get home by 5pm the Thermomix delivery...I managed a quicker time than I did on Monday!

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 26.7/32% (apparent temp 26.0)
start time: 4:18pm
total distance: 12.12
total time: 31:11 (including 1:48 stopped time)
avg speed: 23.3kph
total calories: 363
avg HR: 140

after taking me through all the safety instruction and showing me how to work things, I got to make a vegetable stock concentrate (celery, carrots, onion, tomato, zucchini, bay leaf, dried herbs, parsley, rock salt and oil)...good fun!

then it was off to footy training for a white board session where our coach, Jules, outlined his game plan for the session plus what he expects of us with regard to training etc...nothing has changed game plan wise from last season but we've got about a dozen new players so it was good for them to hear...there was one thing different though with regard to team leadership - after answering a series of questions from Jules on paper, we had to vote on a captain and two other players to make the leadership group...will be interesting to see who it will be...

back home I made dinner before having a play with the TM - I made the base for a wagon wheel slice (only took 30secs!) and then melted the chocolate & butter for the top layer (will need to experiment a bit more with that)...hopefully it will still taste the same...

today (yes, it is Thursday as I type this!), I'll be doing my now usual Core & Flexibility session at lunch with a ride to Kambah after work...

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