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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

01 March 2010

speedygeese @ Parliament House

attendees: Andrew, Chris, Colleen (new), Craig, Ewen, Garry, Jennifer (early long run only), Joel, Helen, Leanne, Maria, Miranda, Neil, Noeline, Penny, Rachelle, Ruth, Sindia, SG, Tim, Warrick, Yelena and me...and Sheona joined us for the warm down lap!

warm up: 1.92k (big loop + jog to top grassy square)

finally back to our grassy square work! teams of three, roughly matched in speed (I ran with Tim & Joel 'cause I wanted to work hard!)...diagonal efforts were downhill therefore flagpole efforts were uphill...efforts were, in order of runners, diagonal downhill to right, uphill, diagonal downhill to left, uphill...between each effort you jogged/walked to the opposite side of the square...I was runner #1 for us and we managed 29 efforts in 30mins (Tim, #3, was just short of completing his 29th when the whistle went)...

rough times (me v Joel/Tim):
22/36, 19/38, 23/37, 23/38
25/38, 21/40, 24/38, 21/38
25/38, 23/40, 23/39, 21/40
26/40, 23/41, 23/40, 23/38
20*/40, 23/39, 26/41, 26/40
25/40, 23/42, 22/40, 24/40
24/39, 21/42, 24/40, 26/38

* racing Craig!

challenging but fun!

warm down: 1.87k (reverse loop)

total 9.03k in 66:15...starting temp/humidity: 18.1/58% (dropping to 16.6/63)...avg HR: 141...bit windy too!


allrounder said...

and that was the Botswana flag flying in conjunction with the Aussie flag...the PM had a meeting with their President yesterday...

Ewen said...
