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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

22 February 2010

speedygeese @ Parliament House

attendees: Andrew, Bronia, Caroline, Ewen, Gary, Garry, Heidi, Jennifer, Joel, Katherine, Helen, Leanne, Neil, Penny, Ruth, Sindia, SG, Tim, Victoria, Warrick, Yelena and me...

warm up: 2.66k (big loop + jog back to oval + jog of loop)

same loop as last week except run in the opposite direction...loop ~375m...3 teams of three plus 3 teams of four - hard loop, followed by jog of loop over 30mins..."faster" runners in teams of 3 - I was with Gary (2) and Bronia (3)...as the lead runner I completed 8 efforts with the other two doing 7...

rough times (me v Gary/Bronia):
1:23 / 2:34, 1:28 / 2:43, 1:30 / 2:46, 1:26 / 2:44, 1:36 / 2:42
1:32 / 2:43, 1:36 / 2:43, 1:34

on average 20secs less rest for me over last week...no problems with the right calf...and no cutting of corners for me either!...much warmer than last week too...

warm down: 1.39k (reverse 3/4 loop)

total 9.75k in 75:18...starting temp/humidity: 27.8/40%...avg HR: 142


speedygeoff said...

Bronia did well too didn't she. She kept trying to say how slow she was. But I don't think she was slow at all. Did you find it easier this week, even though you got less rest?

allrounder said...

I don't know about easier! I was certainly working hard to make sure I got to stand still for a second or two before heading off again!! I think I prefer to do the longer hill downhill...