About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

15 February 2010

speedygeese @ Parliament House

attendees: Andrew, Caroline, Chris, Emma, Ewen, Garry, Heidi, Jennifer, Joel, Kat, Katherine, Helen, Kim, Noeline, Neil, Penny (new), Rachelle, Richard, Ruth, SG, Tim, Warrick, Yelena and me...

warm up: 2.67k (big loop + jog back to oval + jog of loop)

loop ~375m...in teams of three - hard loop, followed by jog of loop over 30mins...random teams - I was with Helen (1) and Chris (2)...after 5 efforts, Emma subbed in for Chris...we completed 7 efforts each...

rough times (Helen/Chris v me):
2:53 / 1:22, 2:58 / 1:27, 3:03 / 1:31, 3:03 / 1:26, 3:04 / 1:32
2:50 / 1:27, 3:02 / 1:25

not bad given the "tip toeing" around the corner at the bottom of the hill!...right calf felt a bit tight in the last two...

warm down: 1.37k (reverse 3/4 loop)

total 9.65k in 77:22...starting temp/humidity: 19.9/57%...avg HR: 141

odd weather all day but the session was completed in sunshine without rain...loop was damp in places and running down the slope was fun!

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