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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

19 February 2010

Cricket, caching, track

the cricket ended in a draw at tea (ACT took first innings points) so I got to do a little more caching on the southside after finishing all the "dotting the Is and crossing the Ts"...

got to track just after 7pm...watched the W40s run an Australian record in the 4x800...

only event for me tonight was the 3000m...went out hard as usual...finished in 12:55 which I'm pleased with after my less than stellar 10000m last week...

splits: 0:45, 1:40, 1:46, 1:46, 1:48, 1:47, 1:47, 1:36
1k splits: 4:11, 4:26, 4:18

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