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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

21 January 2010


but not in the 1hr run...

just two events tonight - the 4 Lap Spiral and the 1hr run...temps were warm - 32.4 at 6.15pm and still warm (31.2) for the 1hr starting at 7:40pm...

Jodie made her first appearance in the 4 Lap Spiral starting off Group 28 with pointscore leader Ruth in 32 and me in 41...

I managed to catch and pass both in the last 150m to finish 6th in a PB of 6:46...so I've pegged back a point or two from Ruth...Sherryl G (2nd in the pointscore) started off the wrong time (late) so might not pick up any points...

had a nice long break until the 1hr run...Suze brought dinner for her and Jodie as both were lap counting - Suze for me and Jodie for Geoff B...

my aim was to run 1:52s but that went out the window after the 5th lap...finished with 12284m...388m less than my PB (my aim is to complete 32 laps)...

400m splits:
1:50, 1:53, 1:52, 1:52, 1:54,
1:55, 1:55, 1:56, 1:56, 1:55,
1:56, 1:56, 1:57, 1:58, 1:57,
1:59, 1:57, 1:59, 2:00, 2:01,
2:00, 1:59, 2:02, 2:00, 2:02, (10k = 48:41)
2:04, 2:01, 2:01, 1:59, 1:58

Trev passed me 7 times so now I owe him two buckets of chips (Facebook bet)...Vanessa did something amazing like 15400m...Ewen lapped me (once?)...Sue A lapped me but I passed her back again in the last minute...


speedygeoff said...

Vanessa went through the first 1500m faster than I ran the 1500m. I guess she's not a target, not yet!

Good spiral, by the way. And it was hot just standing/jogging around watching the hour run, especially when the wind died down.

Ewen said...

Congrats on the PB. Hopefully next year there won't be a Spiral before the hour.

Yes, just the once. I just managed 32 laps - motivated by knowing I'd be measured first if I made the finish line before the gun!