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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

22 January 2010

Added rest day

because my ankles were a little achy after last night plus I was looking for an excuse not to run in the heat!

Looks like there are a couple of errors in last night's results - Vanessa's weren't there for the 1hr and Sherryl has been awarded points for the Spiral even though she didn't start in her correct group (she started late)...even worse Nick B must have inched around the track to only record 943m!!


here's another blog report from New Year's Day at the Mint....Tim & dad found this while trawling the 'net the other day...

there's even a reference to Pod Espresso:

"The newly opened coffee facility inside the RAM had been attending to those early morning coffee urges taking money and radioing orders inside where they duly brewed up hot drinks and delivered them to those waiting outside."


forgot to mention my dad came a cropper the day before we returned from Hobart - first I knew of it was when mum & dad picked us up from the airport and he had his arm in a sling! apparently mum even told Tim not to tell me!

apparently he had fallen off the bottom two front steps at home, hitting a small wall on the way down and dislocating his left shoulder (narrowly missing hitting his head as well)...it happened mid-morning and he had to wait two hours for an ambulance to arrive (mum was home but couldn't move him, lucky she was a nurse in her former life!) and then he doesn't remember much from then until much later that night...he had his first physio appointment today and has 6-8 weeks of rehab to look forward to...he's also seen the before and after x-rays - now I want a look!....


Ewen said...

Your Dad was lucky - could have been much worse.

Is Vanessa a Vet? Maybe no results if she's not a member.

allrounder said...

She's a W30 and she's there now - 15425m...Nick B still only inchded along for 943m though!