About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

09 November 2009

speedygeese @ Parliament House

attendees: Andrew, Chris, Craig, Emily, Ewen, Garry, Gary, Jennifer, Jodie, Joel, Kat, Maria, Rachelle, Ruth, SG, Tony, Warrick, Yelena, Yili and me...

another hot session...no crazy early 8k for me...worked steadily for this session as my legs were still feeling the effects of Saturday...had to race off at the end to attend a wedding rehearsal for Brett & Nadine, I've been entrusted with operating the ipod for the ceremony!

warm up: 2.30k (big loop + jog back to oval)

~690m figure of 8 loop - first loop included a short sharp hill & 5 pushups, second loop include a "double" hill...5 repeats on 5mins...

effort times: 3:36, 3:31, 3:35, 3:37, 3:28

warm down: 0.59k (back to stairs)

total 7.05k in 57:38...starting temp/humidity: 29.1/22% ("apparent temp": 28.0)...avg HR: 140

looks like my dress dilemma is solved - over to mum & dad's for a fitting tomorrow night...the original selection will be made for my cousin's wedding in Adelaide in December - time was too short for Friday...

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