About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

03 July 2008

speedygeese @ Dickson

starting temp/humidity: 6.9/73%

attendees: SG, Matt, Charlie, me, Neil, Miranda, Caroline C & Jodie

session: 5 x 600s on 6mins

warm up: 2 laps with break (1.12k & 1.10k)

my effort times: 2:30, 2:22, 2:22, 2:24, 2:21

first rep as whole group for handicapping purposes..

Jodie started on GO (eventually!), Caroline started with her for the 2nd & 3rd reps then off 10 for the remainder, Miranda was off 16, Neil 24, me 28 for the 2nd & 3rd then 36, Charlie 36 and Matt 48...

I caught the rabbit on two occasions...when I started with Charlie I did my usual fast start, she passed me with about 175m to go on the 4th rep & about 110m to go on the last...

warm down: 1 lap (0.88k)

total: 7.53k in 1:05:10

raced off to footy training where it was even colder...no coach so it was a bit disorganised...only 11 of us in total...

1 comment:

speedygeoff said...

Jodie, go! GO!