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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

05 June 2008

speedygeese @ Dickson

without SG...we were a bit of a leaderless rabble tonight but eventually we ran the same session as last week...

with no footy training tonight, one of our footy team-mates (Kally) decided to come along...she's another new player to footy as she comes from a hockey background (and is still playing hockey)...

there were 10 of us - Colin, Mick, Rachelle, Miranda, Jodie, Matt, Jackie, Kally, Jeni and me...it was a bit cool due to the wind, sufficiently so that Mick changed from short legs to long legs!

Jodie & Jackie joined us at the end of our first warm up lap while Colin joined us in time for the k repeats...Rachelle & Jeni didn't do the ks as they are recovering from injury while Jodie also missed the ks as she was busy looking for her "dropped" ipod (dropped as she was joining us)...conveniently she found it when we had completed all the ks!!

two warm up laps (1.13k & 1.13k) followed by 3 x 1k (in lane 2) followed by warm down (0.90k)...

Matt did 600s again while the rest of us did our ks in dribs & drabs...with no-one holding a central clock basically everyone did it in their own time...no rabbit to chase tonight...

Colin, Mick, Matt & I started on my clock and had 5:00 rest from when I finished my efforts...

my effort times: 4:08, 4:13, 4:12...

all up 7.2k in 55:25...starting temp/humidity: 12.4/68%, finishing at: 10.9/69%...

no footy this weekend due to the long weekend but the footy girls will be getting together at our coach's 30th bash at the Kremlin Bar on Saturday night!

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