About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

29 March 2007

The operation...

went smoothly...

checked into the hospital Tuesday morning at about 6:25am...I was to be first cab off the rank...headed down to the theatre just after 7:30am...

met my anaesthetist, Greg Lloyd, who gave me a run down of what to expect...had to have an endotrachael tube due to being on my stomach for the operation...

he injected me with Medazilam at about 7:50am and I don't remember much more after that!

woke up in the recovery room about 9:00am and was back in my room not much after 9:40am...apart from the digesic they gave me in the recovery room I haven't had to take anything for pain...

there was some mix up about whether I was staying overnight (the hospital thought I was a day surgery patient while my doctor wanted me to stay overnight)...I was moved from the day surgery room to a single room of my own...they managed to organise dinner for me (someone else's meal!)...

mum and dad were with me until early afternoon then Jodie and Suze visited me after work...

had to wait yesterday morning for Paul to come and see me - he had made a flying visit around 6:00pm Tuesday night just to say it had gone smoothly...

in the end I was discharged around 11:30am...the operation had gone well - he'd removed a substantial amount of bone, the retrocalcaneal bursa, as well as some bone that was in the tendon...

I'm now off work until Easter...my next appointment is Thursday 5 April where the half cast will be removed and I'll be placed into a walking boot that I will be able to fully weight bear on...

I can get around on crutches and ended up making it to the ACT Cricket dinner last night...I also hope to hold the watch on Friday at Customs...

had a little bit of pain last night, I think where the stitches are rather than anything deeper but I was able to go back to sleep after about 30mins or so...


Gronk said...

Good news AR. Wishing you a smooth recovery !

Friar said...

Good to hear that the operation was uneventful.

Back on your feet before too long we hope. :-)

Aki said...


Here's to a speedy recovery. It's not the same without you breathing down my neck. :(