About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

30 March 2007


spent yesterday doing cricket stats stuff (my "other" job)...mum & dad popped in with lunch...

the new washing machine got delivered in the morning and, after Suze got home, we put it to the test...

helped out with dinner where i could...juggling crutches and sharp implements is fun!

today, mum & dad picked me up at 11:30am so that I could attend Customs...

held the watch as about 20 people ran...Jodie got back into sub 30:00 territory with 29:22...

she's be doing extra training with the AFL umpires and has her first official appointment as a field umpire tomorrow at Harman between Harman and ANU...

had a late lunch at Cream in Civic - Tim works there for the moment until he gets his coffee business up and running...

also popped into work while mum & dad had coffee...nearly came a cropper going up the stairs to work...

back doing more stats stuff at home..with absolutely no idea what the plans are for tonight and the weekend!

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