About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

04 July 2006


the stats:
start temp/humidity: %
start time: 1:15pm
total distance: 7.57
total time: 46:24
total calories: 569
finish temp/humidity: %

lap details:
light stretching112

not a bad effort, managed 10.5 reps...had another giant horde of kid cyclists to avoid (school holidays strike with a vengeance)...legs felt pretty good considering...in fact, i felt better doing the hill reps than the warm up and cool down!


TD said...

If I read your post right, Allrounder, you did 10.5 hill reps? That's a pretty neat effort. I would be flat out doing half that!

Aki said...

A good session after a solid effort. ACT isn't on school holidays yet unless they're in year 11/12, however there have been lots of students missing so far this week.