About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

28 July 2006


what a great day for a run..the conditions were perfect with hardly a breath of wind...

was surprised to find upon arrival that my handicap had been reduced from 14:30 to 14:00 while Jodie's had gone out to 8:15 from 7:45...obviously the handicapper felt sorry for me!

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 12.3/56%
start time: 12:29pm
total distance: 5.01k
total time: 22:13
avg pace: 4:26
total calories: 374
avg HR: 172
finish temp/humidity: 12.4/55%

1k splits: 4:15, 4:21, 4:32, 4:33, 4:31; made the turn at 10:48 so returned in 11:25...

Jodie planned to take it easy in deference to tomorrow's event but still managed a comfortable (her words!) 29:06, one of her top 10 times...it's a measure of just how much she has improved that she considered it comfortable after struggling for so long to break 30:00...

Edit: i forgot to include the bit where i was catching up to Jodie on the gravel as we approached the world fountain at Regatta Point...she put her foot down & maintained a very slight lead on me, chanting "No!" for about 50m or so...as a result she got several strange looks from some nearby tourists...then she said she was puffed! (i patted her on the shoulder as i ran past, saying "nice try"...LOL)...speedygeoff had also encouraged her to "start sprinting" as i was approaching because he had seen her looking over her shoulder for me...

i started 15secs behind Kevin and eventually caught him in the 2nd k...i stayed just ahead of him until after the turn whereupon he passed me on the grass before getting back on the bike path...he probably ended up finishing at least 15secs in front of me...my time was also in my top 10...

FlashDuck was most happy with her run (27:XX), she said it was slow but she felt really good...

it was another good turnout including Amanda with her dogs!


Bush Marathon Relay update:

looks like we may have a change in first runner with FD likely to swap with Aki...FD was down to run the 25k and after her good run today is keen to join us so Aki will probably run the 16k she originally planned to do...

Barefoot has arrived in Canberra (gave me a ring) and i will be dropping his number into him sometime tonight...


weekend ahead:
saturday - Bush Marathon Relay! + massage
sunday - ACTVAC Monthly Handicap @ Mt Taylor + cricket training

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