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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

13 January 2016

Sprint Canberra...

was a warm ride back to Phillip to pick up my car...the bonus was they had over-quoted the cost again...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 36.1/19% (apparent temp 34.0)
start time: 4:20pm
total distance: 12.75
total time: 32:46 (including 1:07 stopped time)
avg speed: 23.3kph
total calories: 250
avg HR: 124

watched most of the 1st ODI...not to sure I like the new bowling attack we have...I'm not too sure about the depth of the batting either but will need to see if the Indians test us in that department...

it was pleasant for this morning's walk and not to bad for the ride in...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 19.3/74% (apparent temp same)
start time: 7:56am
total distance: 16.57
total time: 38:34 (including 0:35 stopped time)
avg speed: 25.8kph
total calories: 258
avg HR: 118

no run today - it's a rest day until Twilight O re-starts next week...

I'll be entering the Sprint Canberra orienteering event being run over 23-26 January - it's 5 sprint events in 4 days (4 on urban maps and 1 on a bush map) and is being held in conjunction with an Orienteering Australia High Performance Sprint Training Camp based at the AIS...there will be more than 40 athletes from all over Australia who are members of one of the National HP Squads attending...

  • Saturday 23 Jan: CIT Bruce with the first starts from 5.00 pm
  • Sunday 24 Jan: Radford College with the first starts from 5.00 pm
  • Monday 25 Jan: Stromlo Forest Centre with the first starts from 9.00 am (there will also be an Elite only relay at this one)
  • Monday 25 Jan: ANU North with the first starts from 5.00 pm
  • Tuesday 26 Jan: ANU South with the first starts from 9.30 am
There will be four courses with two classes on each course:
  • Course 1: Men’s/Women’s Elite
  • Course 2: Men’s/Women’s Open
  • Course 3: Men’s/Women’s Short
  • Course 4: Men’s/Women’s Novice

there's no street O on 25 January or Twilight O on 27 January so I've persuaded Jodie to have a go and she's going to do the Monday PM event...we will both be competing on Course 2...

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