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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

04 January 2016

speedygeese @ Parliament House

walked Hodge and Hunter in a slight drizzle...

headed into Woden and then went to the Runners Shop to get some new socks with vouchers I had received for Christmas...

found three changes in Swinger Hill on the way home...

decided to go to speedygeese given I'll be in Sydney tomorrow and will miss a run...this was my first speedygeese session since April last year when I went to one at Dickson...

attendees (18?): Alex, Andy, Colin, Dave C, Dave P, Diana, Ewen (early), Garry, Isaac, Jen, Pieta, Rae, Ruth, speedygeoff, Vanessa and me...plus at least two more! (Kevin and Sandra)

warm up: 2.29k (standard lap + stop for any latecomers + to small oval)

30mins of 600m hard / 400m easy

rough times for each effort: 
2:38/2:03, 2:53/2:04, 2:53/2:06, 2:58/2:08, 3:09/2:06, 3:03/2:08

warm down: 1.27k (3/4 lap)

total 9.47 in 63:18...starting temp/humidity: 18.3/71% (apparent temp same)...avg HR: 138...

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