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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

20 October 2012

Snakey, snakey...

my fastest ride to work...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 9.4/90% (apparent temp same)
start time: 7:44am
total distance: 12.05
total time: 27:30 (including 3:30 stopped time)
avg speed: 26.3kph
total calories: 375
avg HR*: 137

went for a leisurely caching ride at lunch - out to Black Mountain Peninsula and back through the ANU...7 caches/10.38k in 65:35...

  • to first cache - Remote Control....2.32k/8:09mins...retrieve cache, sign log, replace cache - 4:09
  • to second cache - Incy Wincy Spider....1.50k/4:22mins... retrieve cache, sign log, replace cache - 6:05
  • to third cache - Little Hall....0.30k/1:04mins... retrieve cache, sign log, replace cache - 3:22
  • to fourth cache - If the tree fits....0.79k/2:34mins... retrieve cache, sign log, replace cache - 4:19
  • to fifth cache - Brush with a View Two Two Tango....0.45k/1:51mins... retrieve cache, sign log, replace cache - 4:38 (grabbed a Travel Bug from this one as well) *had a scare at this one as I thought there was a snake right near the hiding spot, fortunately it was just a snake skin, perhaps this was an omen for the adventure later in the day!
  • to sixth cache - Rock the View....0.23k/0:53mins... retrieve cache, sign log, replace cache - 3:35
  • to seventh cache - The Organiser....3.25k/9:47mins... retrieve cache, sign log, replace cache - 5:42
  • back to work - 1.45k/5:06mins

gave myself an early mark after some long days this week...and now to my adventure!

there I was pedalling up the slight uphill on the bike path next to the Barton Highway heading towards Gungahlin Drive when a brown snake darted out from the vegetation on the left and I ran straight over the middle over it!...it half struck at me as I rode over it - I went to lift my right foot completely forgetting it was clipped in!...my calf gave a twinge as I surged up the hill...I looked back over my shoulder and the snake was still stretched across the width of half the bike path...as you'd expect my heart was racing and I reckon I aged 10yrs!

would have been interesting to see my heart rate but somehow I lost my heart rate transmitter at work (d'oh) so I'll have to organise a replacement if I don't find it on Monday...

while I was waiting to cross Gungahlin Drive at the lights at Sandford St, another cyclist appeared from behind me...I asked if he saw the snake and he said no, so I didn't kill it but I think it will have a very sore back!!...

I've come close to running over a snake before but that was at least during MTB orienteering and on a fire trail!

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 25.0/28% (apparent temp same)
start time: 4:16pm
total distance: 12.07
total time: 36:17 (including 7:37 stopped time)
avg speed: 20.0kph
total calories: 348
avg HR*: -

I'm planning to have another shot at Mt Majura tomorrow before Rd 3 of the Club Championships....hopefully no flats or snake encounters will disrupt the session!

1 comment:

Friar said...

Hope there are no snakey dreams to interrupt your sleeps in the near future.