About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

04 September 2012

Caching adventure...


did 45mins on the elliptical trainer at lunch

10mins level 15
5mins level 17
5mins level 15
5mins level 17
5mins level 15
5mins level 17
10mins level 15

tried to be first to find on a cool puzzle cache only to find that I was second as it hadn't been logged as found...

picked up an extra bike carrier for my roof from mum & dad's place (borrowing from Tim), in preparation for the big caching adventure planned for Sunday...


second last session at Flames - Day 2 (back/legs/biceps)...changes:

  • lat pulldown (2x6-8) - weight increased to 55kg, 2x8
  • db pullovers (2x8-10) - weight increased to 15kg, 2x10
  • db incline bicep curls (3x4-6) - 6/8/7

had my doctor's appointment at 12:30pm...looks like there's some tendonitis/bursitis in my left heel so no running for 8 weeks...

did two caches after the appointment before heading back to work...

attached the bike carrier to the roof without mucking things up so it looks good to go...


golf (stableford)...31pts, so 4 over my handicap (playing to par on our course for the women means you need to score 35pts)...


the big caching adventure! spent about 6hrs cycling around Curtin finding 23 caches for me with only 1 DNF...just over 20k covered...

we ended up finding one more on the way back home so a major milestone could be reached...


last Flames Fitness session...Day 1 (chest/shoulders/triceps/abs)...changes:

  • bb bench press (2x8-10) - 40kg, 1x6,1x5
  • cable crossovers (2x8-10) - weight increased to 10.5kg, 2x8
  • db shoulder press (3x8-10) - 10kg, 1x10/2x7
  • db seated overhead tricep ext (2x8-10) - 17.5kg, 1x10/1x8
  • jack knife on swiss ball bench/hanging knee raises/crunch pulses on back extension (2xmax) - 45&32/45&35/71&70

from 9 February 2011 through to 3 September 2012, I completed 210 sessions...


rode to work from Kambah...quite a pleasant ride...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 4.2/82% start time: 7:52am
total distance: 17.15
total time: 47:04 (includes 1:15 stopped time)
avg speed: 21.9kph
total calories: 450
avg HR: 66*
* only registered from 8k on

rode from work to home...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 15.4/32% start time: 5:18pm
total distance: 12.11
total time: 37:04 (includes 5:37 stopped time)
avg speed: 19.6kph
total calories: 315
avg HR*: 99

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