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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

26 July 2012

Win %...


gym - Day 1 (chest/shoulders/triceps/abs)...changes:

  • db seated shoulder press (3x8-10) - only managed 6 reps in my third set instead of the 9 I’d managed before
  • swiss ball bench jack knives/hanging knee raises/crunch pulses on back extension (2xmax) - 35/30/60

footy training was held in mild conditions and it was another good session...this weekend is pretty much a must win match for us with four rounds remaining (we have a bye on the C2S weekend)...we currently sit in third spot (ladder positions are based on win %):

1. Riverina 84.6% (11 wins including 3 forfeits/2 losses)
2. Eastlake 81.8% (9 wins/2 losses plus two deferred games to be played against ADFA & ANU)
3. Gungahlin 69.2% (9 wins/4 losses)
4. Ainslie 66.7% (8 wins including 1 forfeit/4 losses)
5. Tuggeranong 58.3% (7 wins/5 losses)
6. Belconnen 50.0% (6 wins/6 losses)

our remaining games are against Belconnen, Riverina, (BYE), Tuggeranong

at this stage we control our own destiny providing we beat Belconnen this weekend....we beat Riverina for the first time earlier this year but they are a much tougher proposition in Wagga and we have never beaten Tuggeranong...it’s going to be an interesting finish!

Our main rivals have the following remaining opponents:
Ainslie - Eastlake, Tuggeranong, ADFA, Queanbeyan
Tuggeranong - ANU, Ainslie, Queanbeyan, Gungahlin
Belconnen - Gungahlin, ADFA, ANU, Riverina

matches against ADFA, ANU and Queanbeyan are all guaranteed wins for these teams


easy run at lunch, conditions were perfect, hardly any wind, not too cold...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 12.6/65% (apparent temp 11.3)
start time: 1:01pm
total distance: 11.14
total time: 65:00
avg pace: 5:50
total calories: 777
avg HR*: 159

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:02 [Z1: 93-111]
00:03 [Z2: 112-130]
33:30 [Z3: 131-148]
16:58 [Z4: 149-167]
05:26 [Z5: 168-185]

this included 3 loops of my Acton peninsula loop (1.6k) so ran up my usual training hill 4 times....no speedygeese tonight as I am managing a sore left heel with a view to the weekend: I have the Bush Capital Bush Marathon 16k on Saturday and, of course, footy on Sunday...

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