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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

25 March 2011

Weighty Wednesday...

a revamped weights program for me...and I'm feeling it today, especially in the pecs!

heavier weights, less reps, longer rest...I may get some muscles yet!...should be interesting to see what Day 2 brings tomorrow...

all the players were at baseball training (I jogged there carrying my R4YL shopping!) which was excellent seeing as we have the semi final THIS WEEKEND at Narrabundah 2 @ 3:15pm...we finished 2nd on the ladder so take on the 3rd placed Rebels...

today (Thursday), I continued my new routine of running at lunch and doing a 600m warm up for track (shock, horror!)...I worked late so only got to do the late 3000m...

cool but windy...easy run (40mins)...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 16.4/68%
start time: 1:13pm
total distance: 7.30
total time: 40:00
avg pace: 5:29
total calories: 302
avg HR*: 156

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:06 [Z1: 93-111]
00:32 [Z2: 112-130]
24:33 [Z3: 131-148]
06:46 [Z4: 149-167]
00:23 [Z5: 168-185]

8:11pm - 3000m, XX finishers, X women

conditions were perfect...Jodie B was the fastest woman...

no Craig to chase so Angel become my unwitting bunny leading to another season's best!

12:55.92 (4th)

1km splits: 4:24, 4:24, 4:07
lap splits: 0:51, 1:45, 1:48, 1:45, 1:46, 1:45, 1:44, 1:31

I stayed to watch the finish of the 5000m...SG wasn't too far off cracking 20mins and Helen ran an excellent race as well (sub 20:30 I think)...

an early start tomorrow with gym at 6am then into work before ducking out over a long lunch for some more scratch pennant golf (this time at Federal) then back to work...I've got stuff that must be finished by COB but I hope to knock most of it off in the morning...

1 comment:

Friar said...

Speedy Geoff a bit short short of his target, at 20:22:31.