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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

14 March 2011

Weekend wrap

but thankfully it's a long weekend...

yesterday I did some caching with Suze, Anna and Ella on our side of Yerrabi Pond then it was off to baseball where we lost 9-13 to the other Ainslie team...

dinner was had at Cork St Cafe in Gundaroo (love the pizzas) before spot of some more caching as we headed back to Cold Rock in Gungahlin for dessert...

this morning, I went to the zoo & aquarium with Suze, Anna and Ella...Ella got to feed Hummer the giraffe which was really cool (she's only 3 and a half)...hopfeully I can scan the photo and add it here!

afterwards they dropped me off to run with Tim again...I had 90mins to do so this time I left just before 3pm and headed out the way we ran last week (anti-clockwise), turning around to return to the start after 7:30...Tim and I crossed paths just before that and I ended up being a bit quicker back to the start (14:52 total) where Tim did a quick refill on drinks before heading out for another clockwise loop...

this week we were joined by Al and the boys ran ahead of me most of the the way...apparently on Tim's one loop run on Saturday he had seen a black snake and a blue tongue lizard so we stuck to trails with no real cross country running!...good idea I say!

I had to make up a little time at the end of the loop so continued on a bit further before finishing...15.07 for 90:14...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 28.4/47%


start time: 2:59pm
total distance: 2.63
total time: 14:52
avg pace: 5:40
total calories: 135
avg HR*: 146

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:11 [Z1: 93-111]
00:18 [Z2: 112-130]
08:17 [Z3: 131-148]
05:24 [Z4: 149-167]
00:00 [Z5: 168-185]


start time: 3:16pm
total distance: 12.44
total time: 75:22
avg pace: 6:04
total calories: 708
avg HR*: 153

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:01 [Z1: 93-111]
00:19 [Z2: 112-130]
09:14 [Z3: 131-148]
64:14 [Z4: 149-167]
00:00 [Z5: 168-185]

4 weeks to go until the HM...

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