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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

09 September 2010

speedygeese @ Dickson

my first speedygeese session at Dickson since the C2S...Jodie's first one for ages!...it started raining once we were into the hard stuff...but at least it wasn't windy...

attendees: Colleen, Craig, Jodie, Joel (late), Nadine, Neil, Ruth, SG, Susan, Yelena and me...Warrick did turn up but forgot his shoes!

warm up: 2.94k (large loop + small loop)

teams of three, 12 x 200m hard/200m easy...me/Nadine/Colleen, Susan/Neil/Craig, Jodie/Ruth/Yelena...hard efforts in lane 4, easy efforts out & back in lanes 6 & 5...in order the teams completed 12, 11 (Susan did 12) & 10 efforts...

rough times effort/rest:
43/1:31, 49/1:34, 48/1:33, 50/1:34,
50/1:34, 53/1:36, 50/1:33, 52/1:35,
49/1:34, 55/1:36, 49/1:31, 51/1:33

warm down: none, we were all soaked!

total 8.35k in 1:02:54...starting temp/humidity: 11.7/74%...avg HR: 140...

1 comment:

Janene said...

Alas, your last session at Dickson for some time! :-(