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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

27 September 2010

End of Season trip report

we departed Dickson around 7:50am Friday morning destination unknown...

but first we were randomly allocated to the two buses which had each been decorated with a pirate theme...we were presented with a bag each which had our team shirt (to be worn all weekend), various pirate accessories (eye patch, mask, pieces of 8 chocolate), a name tag (also to be worn all weekend) which had our pirate names and other details plus some snacks and a drink)...a team captain was elected for each team...

on the journey we had to complete various tasks which were presented on scrolls hidden in tube containers to the captain who then had to read them out...

1st task - come up with a team name and design a flag which had to be ready by the time we got to Yass Maccas...

2nd task - each team was presented with coloured pieces of material to be worn for the rest of the day - we were green, the others were blue - most wore them as some form of headwear (me - bandanna)...

3rd task - come up with a team song and dance which had to last at least 60secs to be performed after dinner Friday night...much practising was done on the bus (our tune was the Collingwood team song followed by the St Kilda team song)...

our first whole group activity was paintball at Albury-Wondonga paintball...we competed in different teams to our pirate teams...we had a ball as we played for over 90mins on three different fields...

finally we made it to our destination - Albury!

I introduced some of the players to geocaching (and finally enough about 4-5 of them have been out caching today!)...then we had a team BBQ for dinner followed by the pirate performances - it was absolutely hilarious!

Saturday morning we had a team breakfast (cooked!) before a couple of us headed into town to find some more caches before we got ready for the day's main activity...

at 11am we headed to Paddy's Irish Pub for lunch and to watch the AFL grand final...about few of us were supporting Collingwood with the rest going for St Kilda!...we ended up heading back to the accommodation around midnight...a fantastic night had by all as we showed Albury how to have a good time!

Sunday was spent tidying up to check out and heading back to be in Dickson not long after 2pm...a great (but tiring!) weekend!

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