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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

30 August 2010

speedygeese @ Parliament House

Friday night we went to the movies for the first time in ages and saw Salt...I hope there's a sequel!

Saturday was the monthly medal...managed to only play 4 shots over my handicap and finished 4th on a count back...

Sunday was elimination final time and we went down to Riverina by 47pts...inaccuracy was our biggest problem...I probably played my best game of the season, kicking 1.1 and taking a swags of marks (75% of which were contested)...

I did a spot of caching on the way home before a quick shower and change to meet up with the team for some celebratory drinks...I think everyone was happy with where we finished...

tonight Jodie and I attended the full speedygeese session for the first time in months...

attendees: Andrew, Brett, Caroline, Chris, Colleen, Damian (new), Emma, Ewen, Gabriel (new), Jennifer, Jodie, Joel, Katherine, Kelley, Kym, Miranda, Nadine, Richard, Ruth, SG, Warrick, Yelena and me...

warm up: 2.35k (full lap + lap of grassy square)

teams of 3 using top grassy square...hard diagonal downhill, jog across square, hard uphill, jog across square, hard diagonal downhill, jog across square, hard uphill, jog across square...repeat for 30mins...

I teamed with Katherine and Gabriel...Jodie was with Ruth, Caroline and Miranda I think...

rough effort/rest times:
24/41, 22/44, 24/44, 21/46
24/44, 24/43, 27/42, 23/45
25/48, 21/45, 22/45, 21/51
25/47, 23/47, 24/46, 22/49
24/49, 22/47, 24/50, 19/51
25/46, 24/49, 25/48, 22/49
23/50, 20/51

warm down: 1.72k (reverse lap)

total 8.92k in 76:50...starting temp/humidity: 10.8/57%...avg HR: 141...

1 comment:

Ewen said...

There will be a sequel. The way she escaped at the end...

I like that the action sequences looked 'normal' and not computer generated. The truck jumping though made my ankles sore just looking at it!