About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

26 October 2009

speedygeese @ Parliament House

attendees: Andrew, Chris, Craig, Ewen, Garry, Jennifer, Jodie, Joel, Kat, Miranda, Rachelle, SG, Tony, Warrick, Yelena, Yili and me...

a bit cool and windy!

warm up: 1.85k (big loop)

zig zag relays in teams of 3 on the top grassy square for 30mins - I somehow ended up in the "fast" team with Joel and Garry...we managed 13 reps each (I was 20secs into my last one when the whistle went)...

effort times (Joel & Garry / me): 1:27/0:50, 1:28/0:50, 1:29/0:50, 1:28/0:50, 1:32/0:52, 1:32/0:53, 1:31/0:53, 1:34/0:52, 1:28/0:50, 1:25/0:54, 1:29/0:52, 1:29/0:51, 1:25/0:50

warm down: 2.63k (down to lake & back)

total 10.15k in 70:48...starting temp/humidity: 11.4/54% ("apparent temp": 8.7)...avg HR: 144

1 comment:

speedygeoff said...

Brass monkey weather.

You are welcome to remind me you have already had your turn in the "fast team" next time, if you wish.