About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

12 October 2009

speedygeese @ Parliament House

session fitted in neatly between periods of rain!

attendees: Andrew, Chris, Garry, Gary, Helen, Jodie, Joel, Kat, Miranda, Neil, Rachelle, Ruth, SG, Yelena and me...

warm up: 2.53k (big loop + jog to Rose Garden via driveway)

480m loop - 50m jog up the ramps, 200m hard, 230m jog along the paths back to start, repeated for 30mins...I managed 13 reps and got 10secs into the return jog when the whistle blew...

effort times: 44, 47, 49, 47, 50, 48, 49, 49, 48, 49, 49, 49, 47

warm down: 1.55k (3/4 lap back to stairs)

total 10.38k in 76:02...starting temp/humidity: 13.5/85% ("apparent temp": same)...avg HR: 144

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