About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

06 October 2009

Change of approach

I have entered the Mount Majura Vineyard Three Peaks 26k (7 November)...and will enter the Tour de Mountain 25k (20 December)...these will be the longest running events I have done...

my week will now consist of 5 run days (rest days - Weds/Sat)...Customs will be replaced by another easy running session (makes sense if I'm going to go hard at track!)...will be interested to see how it goes!


Two Fruits said...

That mountain running running can be serious, better do some serious training. Don't want any injuries!
Well done to take the plunge and enter so early

Ewen said...

That'll give you a taste for it. 6' next!

You could go easy/long Friday if racing Thursday. Good on you for doing the 10th - the rest of 'em are wimps!