About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

28 September 2009

speedygeese @ Parliament House

attendees: Andrew, Catherine, Chris, Craig, Gary, Jennifer, Jodie, Joel, Kat, Neil, Rachelle, SG, Susan, Warwick, Yelena and me...

warm up: 2.04k (big loop)

teams of 2 on the top grassy square, diagonal run across the grass then up the flag poles to the changeover, walk/jog back to start...20mins worth...

rough effort times (me/SG):
48/58, 51/56, 51/61, 51/50, 48/57, 54/62, 49/56, 46/56, 52/54, 54/60, 51/-

then it was off to do attrition sprints won by Joel followed by Craig and Andrew...I think I managed 4 or 5

warm down: 1.52

total 7.62k in 63:36...starting temp/humidity: 12.4/53% ("apparent temp": 10.1)...avg HR: 149

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