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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

27 September 2009

Parkway Handicap (Thomas Series)

wet & wild conditions greeted us so I was very surprised to find I'd run a course PB (not just a W40 one!)...

my first handicap was the Parkway one back in September '05 (39:09) but it was the old course...last year on this course in sunny, dry windy conditions I ran 39:17...

Janene started one group in front of Heidi and me - she was uncatchable! Nadine was a group behind and Brett a group further back...

Heidi passed me between 5 & 6k...she was hard to keep up with then I think her wheels fell off and I passed her with about 1k to go...I knew Nadine was closing fast and put in a little spurt at the end to hold her off!...

finished 26th out of 88, passed 43, passed by 9...

overall 26th fastest - fastest Bruce Graham 28:40 M45; 6th fastest female (out of 27) - fastest Kathy Southgate 33:17 W50


the stats:
start temp/humidity: 6.7/58% ("apparent temp": 2.4)
start time: 9:29am
total distance: 8.00
total time: 38:39 (official time 38:40)
avg pace: 4:50

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:07 [Z1: 93-111]
00:11 [Z2: 111-130]
00:01 [Z3: 130-148]
02:49 [Z4: 148-167]
28:26 [Z5: 167-185]

1k splits: 4:20, 4:35, 4:34, 4:40, 5:01, 5:09, 5:14, 5:04, (0:02)

no golf yesterday due to the ladies piking...hopefully I'll get a game next week!...however they did give me a lovely birthday card and Westfield gift card (which I promptly used part of to buy some earrings!)...

good to catch up with Tim & Sheona last night - their birthday gift to me is to take me to the ANZAC Day clash between Collingwood & Essendon next year (they support the bombers)...how cool!

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