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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

01 November 2007

Track AND Field...

arrived at the track about 20mins before my first event...

ended up having 3 starts for the 1500m and I started in the middle group...6:13 was my finish time so I was quite pleased with that and even inside Ewen's 6:18 tip...

I then ducked over to the shot and managed 3 throws before heading off to the 3000m...found out later my best throw (my 2nd) was 8.90m which is a new PB!

I forgot the 3000m was part of the Pennington series and had a handicap start...being a "youngster" I started off 4:01 well behind all but one speedster...my elapsed time was 17:45 so 13:44 was another surprise (again just inside Ewen's tip)...

then I was off to the javelin and fitted in three throws before putting my hand up for the 4 x 100m W120+ relay...don't know what my best throw was but I don't think it was that flash!

the relay was fun...I ran the 3rd leg with Kerry Boden handing over to me and me passing the baton to Emma Adams who had a good tussle to the finish with the 2nd men's team...I think we did 61secs or so...

the last event was the 5 lap spiral and I started in Group 35 with Roger Pilkington and 1 other male....held Roger off for a couple of laps before he zoomed ahead...I ended up finishing 15th (out of 34) in a net time of 9:30ish...

all up a very enjoyable but tiring evening!...who knows if I'll be able to run Customs tomorrow!!

1 comment:

Ewen said...

My tipping will improve now you've got some form on the board. The 6-minute barrier will go pretty soon, as will your 3000m PB.