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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

06 September 2007

speedygeese session #3...

Jodie came along as did a mate of Tim's (Al)...there was also one other new person...ended up with a fair number of people (14?)...

did one bigger lap to warm up where Jodie caught up with us on the far side after crossing the drain...a quick stretch then it was a smaller lap before we split up into pairs to do 12 x 300m with a 100m JR or walk back (so, for me, each 300 started & finished with a bend while for Jodie she started & finished with a straight)...Tim teamed with Al and they were the last to finish their 12 while Jodie and I managed a good 10 (we were one of, I think, 3 teams that didn't do the full 12 in the time available)...

finished with a smaller lap warm down...left for home with Tim taking Al through some running drills on the 100m track...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 10.2/71%
start time: 5:34pm
total distance: 8.88
total time: 65:39
total calories: 674
avg/max HR*: 151/213

*Time spent in HR Zones:
03:12 [Z1: 93-111]
07:26 [Z2: 111-130]
21:40 [Z3: 130-148]
13:18 [Z4: 148-167]
18:18 [Z5: 167-185]


speedygeoff said...

Wow, I didn't realise Tim & Al kept on running, kept on running. The rest of us were happy to crash and burn and crawl home after that effort. Of course, I didn't run the relay, but I did run 9k quickish b4 anyone else arrived.

Great to see new people!

R2B said...

A solid session AR
well done!