About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

22 August 2007

pod espresso...

is the name of my brother's business and it looks like he'll be selling his first cup of coffee (or tea or hot chocolate!) tomorrow...he put his cart in place this afternoon (I went and helped with a couple of things)...

the address is The Atrium, 4 Lonsdale Street, Braddon between Civic Video and The Ride Shop...he'll also have a website up and running soon as he hopes to do events on weekends (he actually already has an event booking for the evening of 1 September with the Rotarians at Albert Hall)...

unfortunately his signage hasn't been completed yet...

you can see his "T2" tea tins in this photo - English Breakfast, Lemongrass & Ginger, Chai, Peppermint and China Jasmine...

so if you are down Braddon way during the week, try out his coffees! (please note that I do NOT have a financial interest in the success of his business just a sisterly one!)

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