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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

29 August 2007


biggest turn up in 3 weeks (6 sessions) today with 11...

we jogged over to Telopea Park High's oval with a heap of equipment (I carried a 7k bag thing)...we did a lap of the oval while the trainer set up the stations (7)...did some high knees, bum kicks, grapevines then some dynamic stretching before splitting into pairs with one group of three...

the idea was that while one person was running shuttles (or suicides as the trainer called them) the other was doing an exercise, when the person had finished their shuttles they'd swap and then repeat the whole process so you got to run twice and do the exercise twice at each station...so the faster the person did the shuttles the less time there was to do the exercises!

my pair (I was with a youngster who hadn't attended before) ended up doing 6 of the 7 stations in this order:
  • squat throws with the 7kg bag thing
  • push ups
  • medicine ball slams
  • seated row with powerband
  • alternating front & side raises with powerband
  • fast feet ladder (I got to do the ladder twice and the run once due to time)
the one we missed out on was the upright row...we jogged back and did some stretches in the demountable to finish...

as per my morning routine since Tim started business, I dropped off milk (he sends me a text message each morning with his "order") and helped him & dad fix an issue with the lights...mind you he was still serving coffee while we were holding bits of the cart!

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