About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

15 July 2007

Weekend Wrap...


very hot & cold golf, not due to the temperature either which didn't reach double figures (I think it peaked at 8. something around 2.30pm)...

playing stableford, managed 9 pars (on my handicap I'm only meant to get 4), 3 wipes & 4 one-pointers to finish with 33pts and in the buffer...

called passed mum & dad's on the way home, got some tips on places to visit in Darwin (that's where mum & dad met)...


took Jodie & Suze to the airport at 8:20am (going to Melbourne to visit Suze's youngest sister who'd just had a baby)...meant to fly out at 9:15am...after dropping them off I was on my way home when they rang to say their flight was delayed (until 10:25am)...so I turned around & picked them up...we went and had breakfast in Manuka!...I think they ended up leaving around 10:45am...

did the grocery shopping on the way home, then some washing before heading out for my run...a shortened version of my old long runs...incorporated a few hills so overall pace was a bit slower...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 4.2/76% (rising to 5.5/70%)
start time: 11:54am
total distance: 11.56
total time: 1:10:00
avg pace: 6:03
total calories: 868
avg/max HR*: 154/171*

Time spent in HR Zones:
00:03 [Z1: 93-111]
00:29 [Z2: 111-130]
14:24 [Z3: 130-148]
53:11 [Z4: 148-167]
02:36 [Z5: 167-185]

1k splits: 5:54, 5:52, 5:54, 6:18, 6:09, 6:00, 5:59, 6:50, 6:06, 6:02, 5:52

did some more washing when I got home then headed out with Hux to do some caching...we found 4/4 attempted...one in the Mt Majura Nature Reserve, one near Pete's Golf Connection, one on Oakey Hill (Lyons) and one in Deakin...

back home, feed the animals (also rabbit sitting Basil)...dinner for me then a refresher session with the online scoring so I'll (hopefully) be on the ball (pardon the pun) in Darwin...

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