About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

09 July 2007

This week's schedule...



Mondaydeep water running/swimming session
Tuesday50min easy run
Wednesdaydeep water running/swimming session
Thursdayfaster session: 6x1min/1minSR
FridayCustoms? (Jodie will be back & may want to run this)
Sunday70min easy run

very slow start to this week...didn't want to get out of bed!...made it to work by 9:30am (but at least rode)...


Ewen said...

I'm having the day off - a head cold. I thought it was colder running on Sunday - 'apparent temp' was 3C!

TD said...

Yet another blogger I have come across who didn't want to get out of bed! I thought it was cold running on Sunday too; felt colder than 3 degrees.