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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

24 July 2007

Darwin Day 6...

a relatively early start to beat the heat…also managed to find a relatively flat area to do the 500m repeats with only the odd car or two to dodge…

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 23.6/73%
start time: 8:42am
total distance: 7.70
total time: 53:51
total calories: 581
avg/max HR*: 145/173

*Time spent in HR Zones:
04:39 [Z1: 93-111]
04:42 [Z2: 111-130]
16:54 [Z3: 130-148]
21:08 [Z4: 148-167]
08:02 [Z5: 167-185]

lap details:

light stretching105
6x80m building from 75% to 100%*

* happy with this sequence: 24.18, 23.36, 21.54, 20.50, 19.68, 16.14

did some MORE washing then headed on foot into town…extended my bike hire until Sunday before I managed to catch the 11am Tour Tub (which only operates on the hour) which was just as well because it meant I got to go to Aquascene at Doctor’s Gully for the feeding of the fish…

hundreds of fish (milkfish, mullet, catfish, bream and barramundi) come to shore at high tide to be fed by hand…you can also see other fish in the shallows (including rays, cod, mangrove jack and diamond fish)…the feeding ritual began over 40 years ago when a nearby resident started throwing bread scraps to a few small mullet…the practice is obviously very dependent on the tides and today was actually the last day I could see this due to poor tides due for the next three days…

next stop after that was the WWII Oil Storage Tunnels (you can just about walk the length of Tunnel #5), funnily enough the tunnels were never used to store oil...

also visited the Survivor Lookout and then walked to the Indo Pacific Marine Exhibition* before getting back on the Tub…

* (didn’t go through the exhibition then as I really needed to devote about 90mins to do it justice but will be returning on Friday night for “A Coral Reef by Night” where you get the standard detailed explanation of the coral reef eco-systems FOLLOWED by a 4-course dinner –barramundi, prawns, oysters etc - THEN we return to the displays in total darkness where we see the fluorescing corals and animals, exploring the nocturnal reef life with a torch!)

next stop for me was the East Point Military Museum, run by the Royal Australian Artillery Association...

and my last stop was the Fannie Bay Gaol (of particular interest was the Infirmary which has gallows inside that were used for two executions in 1952 when two “New” Australians - Jerry Koci & John Novotny - were hanged for the brutal murder of taxi driver George Grantham; the Infirmary lost its roof in Cyclone Tracy and the gaol itself was closed in 1979)…

still plan to visit Muesum & Art Gallery as well as the George Brown Botanic Gardens, perhaps Friday...

bought a couple of souvenirs in town before heading back home…

easy 60mins to do in the morning then on to ODI 3, should be interesting after New Zealand’s turn around in form…

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