About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

20 July 2007

Darwin Day 2...

after a good night's sleep, started off by catching up with stuff online then headed out for my run session...

first time since the surgery that I've run consecutive days...did the session a little earlier than yesterday but still quite warm & windy...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 24.7/32%
start time: 10:29am
total distance: 7.17
total time: 50:32
total calories: 541
avg/max HR*: 154/240

*Time spent in HR Zones:
01:35 [Z1: 93-111]
06:08 [Z2: 111-130]
07:30 [Z3: 130-148]
24:41 [Z4: 148-167]
07:46 [Z5: 167-185]

lap details:

light stretching119
6x80m building from 75% to 100%*

*not a bad sequence here except for the 4th repeat: 21.54, 19.72, 17.81, 18.59, 15.78, 14.95

the 80m and "odd" efforts were done uphill...therefore the "even" ones were downhill...pretty pleased with the effort...

back for a shower & change of clothes before heading out to do some caching on the bike!...

Plaque commemorating the bombing of Darwin on 19 February 1942

out for just over 6hrs but did take a break at Stokes Hill Wharf to have something to eat!

The Tree of Knowledge near Darwin Library

...covered around 26k in finding 9 caches...

USAAF Memorial (USS Peary)

back "home" just after 7pm and very happy to find the NRL being televised!

1 comment:

TD said...

Nice shots and brings back good memories for me. Often had a feed at Stokes Hill wharf.