About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

25 June 2007

The week ahead

late start this morning, just got in by 9am...

this week's schedule is thus:



Mondaydeep water running/swimming session
Tuesday40min easy run
Wednesdaydeep water running/swimming session?
Thursday40min easy run
Saturday(PM) 50min easy run on the GC

Wednesday's session is up in the air because Tim's coffee cart is finally due to arrive so we may have to cancel...running Saturday PM instead of Sunday as I'll be on volunteer duty in the Finish Area at the GC from 7am until 1pm...my flight back is at 5pm, arriving back in Canberra at 9.20pm...

I arrive at the GC about midday which gives me enough time to attend the expo to get my volunteer shirt, check in to my hotel, go for my run and then attend the CR's pre-race dinner!

oops, nearly forgot to add the details for today's DWR/S session...

  • warm up: 1 x 100m freestyle + 2 x 50m kick
  • DWR = 35mins
  • finish: 1 x 50m back stroke kick + 1 x 50m "sculling" + 2 x 50m pull buoy

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