About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

13 June 2007

Warmer in the water than out...

the water was actually quite pleasant today, probably because it contrasted sharply with outside temps!

warm up:

1 x 100m freestyle (first time I've completed 100 just doing freestyle and not using the pull buoy) + 2 x 50m freestyle (couldn't manage a second one)

deep water running x 45mins...this seemed to be a tough workout today, lots of building up pace etc, hesitation work through the full range of motion and so on...


1 x 50m kick + 2 x 50m pull buoy, gliding on each stroke + 1 x 50m freestyle...

Tim was even kind enough to give a me a lift back to work!

at this stage our next session is planned for Friday as I am likely to cancel my physio session assuming tomorrow's grass running goes well...

once I'm back into the swing of things I plan on incorporating a deep water running/swimming session into my schedule, probably on Mondays (traditionally my rest day)...I imagine I'll be doing that by myself eventually as Tim will be busy with his business...

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