About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

06 June 2007

Another step...


started with massage, some mobilisation then stretching (straight then bent leg on wedge)...then:
  • jogging on the mini-tramp - 15 steps then stop on right leg (I think 15-20 times, I lost count!)
  • balancing on right leg on mini-tramp, tossing ball from hand to hand for 20 catches each hand at (a) waist height, (b) chest height then (c) above head (3-4 times through each height; pausing after each height)
  • seated heel raises (weight above knee, foot on wedge; right side only) 4 x15
  • balance on disc - 3 x 20sec
finished with ice...

I now have the OK to run on a treadmill x 2 sessions (1st: 10mins @ 8kph, rest, 5mins @ 8kph; 2nd: 10mins @ 10kph, rest, 5mins @ 10kph) with 2 days rest in between...if I pull up OK the mornings after then I can move to grass...working from running every 3rd day, to every 2nd then to 6 out of 7 days over the next 4 weeks...

booked in for 1 more physio session (Friday 15 June) but can cancel if I don't think I need it...

another step in the right direction!

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