About Me

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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

09 May 2007

Step up...

yesterday as planned added 5mins to the elliptical workout...watched the end of the Channel 9 news and half of ACA for this session...

Cross Trainer Stats:
time: 35:00
total strides: 3632
calories: 1135

Garmin HR stats*:
avg HR: 134
max HR: 146

*Time spent in HR Zones:
00:29 [Z1: 93-111]
09:50 [Z2: 111-130]
25:55 [Z3: 130-148]
00:00 [Z4: 148-167]
00:00 [Z5: 167-185]

still managed to stay above 100 strides per min; second session in a row where no time was spent in HR Z4...

left calf is still quite sore (I'm sitting here with an ice pack on it), will get the physio to check it out when I head in today (may as well get my money's worth!)...

big weekend ahead - Friday night we are having all the golf ladies over (I think there's about 28 coming to attend the "Brindabella Bridesmaid's Bash", it's the 3rd year in a row they have finished runners-up in the Brindabella Shield), Saturday morning I'm hiking up some hill near Banks as part of a caching game then I'm helping out at the Canberra Half Eve Mini Jog/Fun Run, Sunday I'm helping at the Canberra Half and then taking mum out for lunch...

Jodie & Suze are equally busy this weekend: Suze has the women's foursomes championship to play Saturday & Sunday; Jodie's umpiring in Wagga Saturday and then again Sunday in Canberra; and they are both attending the Missy Higgin's concert Saturday night...

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