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Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia
"Jack of all (sports), Master of none!"

28 May 2007

South Coast sojourn...

Friday finished with:

a quick visit to Windscreens O'Brien in Fyshwick to get a quote ($73) on fixing a crack on the passenger side...

next it was to the airport to see the travellers get off OK...the flight to Sydney was delayed about 15mins but they made their connection from Sydney to Honolulu OK...

finally I started my journey to Narooma...just beat the delays at Bungendore as they commenced work on the level crossing (finishing midnight Sunday)...

attempted three caches on the way - at Braidwood (found), Bateman's Bay (not found) and Moruya (found)...

did a little bit of breakfast shopping at Moruya, arriving at the accommodation in Narooma at just after 9pm...

Saturday was a lovely day to be playing golf, pity my standard of play didn't match it!

I played to nearly double my handicap (oops!)...must have played out of at least half a dozen bunkers...the views were spectacular and you could see the seals catching the air with their flippers...

after golf, I walked down to Narooma Bridge to successfully find another cache...on the walk back I stopped to watch some fishermen cleaning their catch - the offcuts were getting thrown into the water where a couple of stingrays were lurking (including a very large one, maybe 6 foot across?) as well as some pelicans...

dinner was at O'Brien's Pub where we sat out on the balcony (try that in Canberra at the moment!) before heading back to watch the Wallabies just sneak home over the Welsh...

Sunday was another beautiful day for golf - I took my camera on the course with me...this time I "only" played 7 shots worse than my handicap...

View from the 2nd tee...

View from the back of the 4th tee...

View from the back of the 18th green...

headed home around 1:40pm via 9 caches (!) including finding the one in Bateman's Bay that I couldn't find Friday (daylight & an extendable mirror makes all the difference), arriving back home at about 7:40pm...

today it was back on the bike, quite chilly after the warmth of the South Coast...

the stats:
start temp/humidity: 2.7/97%
start time: 7:37am
total distance: 15.43
total moving time: 40:44 (total time 42:05)
avg/max speed: 22.4/37.2kph
total calories: 460
avg/max HR*: 116/139

*Time spent in HR Zones:
08:53 [Z1: 93-111]
19:49 [Z2: 111-130]
08:39 [Z3: 130-148]
00:00 [Z4: 148-167]
00:00 [Z5: 167-185]

a cruisey ride in, no real effort exerted!...funniest thing was Jodie ringing me from Hawaii to check HER shoe size - she had a 9 & a 9.5 on but couldn't remember which was correct...LOL, luckily I had the info at work and quickly sent an SMS to her (the shop she was in was having a 20% off sale for Memorial Day)...today is the day they start their cruise...

have physio again today - this time with Gavin as Anne is away for two weeks...will be interesting to see if he does anything different...

1 comment:

Ewen said...

Narooma's a lovely spot. We used to camp there in my biker days and play golf. Lost a few balls trying to hit across the ocean (the 3rd?). Lost even more on the back 9 - very narrow!